New Year New Beginnings

It’s been a LOOOOONG time away from blogging. When I opened my blog today, I realized that my last post was in December. No post for the year of possibilities (2013). So, to begin with let me take this opportunity to wish all the readers a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Well, even though I haven’t been blogging, life has been pretty hectic in one way or the other. What is keeping me on my feet? It’s a bit of everything. Post Alberto’s course; I have been busy wondering about further studies (hoping to see things work out), adapting one of my works for a London based publication (a post on this later) thinking of project ideas (i have many) and trying to work towards the skills I would need to fulfill those ideas (vicious circle you see). Lastly, I have a full time job, which is getting more hectic day by day (not much to say there). What’s great is that, after 3-4 months of doing everything else besides data driven projects, I genuinely feel the urge to do a data-centric project. It’s as if the rest of the life post December has been a break from the my lovely data world and now I feel refreshed enough to do a data heavy project again.

On that note, lets discuss this opportunity here:


A friend of mine (Denny George) introduced me to this. Id like to take a moment to talk about the opportunity I can see booming here in India. In a way its exciting to see the government finally seeing some value in visual representation of data. While I am happy, I am skeptical of the quality that will be expected, submitted or rewarded post this hackathon. Nonetheless its a great opportunity to see the impact of dataviz in the mainstream industry and I think we should cut them some slack, when it comes to quality. It will get better over time (maybe decades even) with more sensitivity towards the concept of datavizualisation. You can see the hackathon here

I am thinking of attending this hackathon and if I do, it shall be accompanied by the second post of 2013 (fingers crossed)

New Year New Beginnings